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Re: Cern HTTPD: Password/Login problems ? - Me Too

This is really an issue of CERN daemon configuration, rather than the
more meta-wwwSecurity that this group is concerned with.  There are
other lists and newsgroups that this discussion is far more appropriate

Chuck Yerkes
On Jul 24,  1:03pm, Jerry Shaver wrote:
> Subject: Cern HTTPD: Password/Login problems ? - Me Too
> I also am trying to use  Cern HTTPD version 3.0, and I have created a Protect
> line in the httpd.conf file for my www root directory.
> I also get a  dialog window which asks for the password and login but any 
> login and password I try fails.  I created the password file using htadm 
> and have used htadm to check the password.
> I have tried everything listed in the W3's authorization pages.  
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> jls@perseus.nl.nuwc.navy.mil
> Jerry L. Shaver                _||__
> Troy Systems Inc.      _______|571  |____________    _
> NUWC, USWAL, DIVNPT __/__________________________\__/_\___
> Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Undersea Warfare Analysis Laboratory
> Newport, RI 02841 (401) 841-3630 Ext. 126  or 841-1115
>-- End of excerpt from Jerry Shaver
